by wildrhythms_uvj7p5 | Apr 29, 2020 | Nature Communication, Place-based spirituality, Sacred Nature Connection, Thoughts and Ideas
By Deb Matlock Feeling our toes in the mud. Humming along with the birds. Leaning up against a tree. Howling with the wind. Working with soil. Over the course of my career, I have encountered countless people who felt alienated or intimidated at the thought of...
by wildrhythms_uvj7p5 | Mar 15, 2020 | Community, Place-based spirituality, Sacred Nature Connection, Thoughts and Ideas
By Deb Matlock Imagine a place that is home to falcons, coyotes, skunks, fox, deer, rattlesnakes, rabbits, numerous rodents and birds, mountain lions and the occasional black bear…not to mention several other nonpoisonous snake species, insects, and arachnids. ...
by wildrhythms_uvj7p5 | Jan 19, 2020 | Animal Communication, Community, Nature Communication, Place-based spirituality, Sacred Animal Connection, Sacred Nature Connection
By Deb Matlock I love the idea considering the concept of community to include not only humans, but other beings as well. My community along the foothills of the Colorado Rockies is vibrant and bursting with people, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians,...
by wildrhythms_uvj7p5 | Dec 17, 2019 | Place-based spirituality, Sacred Animal Connection, Sacred Nature Connection
By Deb Matlock In the Northern Hemisphere, December is the time of year our days shorten, the temperature drops, and the sun shows is brightness to only some of us some of the time. This time of year has always been one of my favorites. I love the slowing...
by wildrhythms_uvj7p5 | Dec 8, 2019 | Place-based spirituality, Sacred Animal Connection, Sacred Nature Connection, Thoughts and Ideas
By Deb Matlock The shaman’s responsibility is to bring back the ceremony. Why? Because the world has lost the ceremony. A ceremony is something you do which is good for you and which nourishes you. When the ceremony loses its spirit, it becomes a ritual. You do...
by wildrhythms_uvj7p5 | Oct 21, 2019 | Nature Communication, Place-based spirituality, Sacred Animal Connection, Sacred Nature Connection, Thoughts and Ideas
By Deb Matlock Spirituality is one of those concepts that can be defined as many ways as there are people. Awe, inspiration, connection, mystery…these are some of the words I often hear related to the idea of spirituality. For some, religion and spirituality are...