My Story
I have come to this work through my own amazing, challenging, inspiring, confusing, hopeful, painful, and surprising journey into a deeper connection with the world around me. My personal journey to a sense of empowered, nature-connected spirituality is definitely a long and winding road…a road I still travel upon today. I have gone through times of difficult confusion and emptiness, times of deep grief and despair for the world around me, as well as times of incredible peace, groundedness, and inspiration.
I have been a professional nature-based spiritual life coach and a nature connection practitioner and educator for more than 25 years. My work is not about specific “techniques” but focuses on listening directly to the world of spirit and the more-than-human world.
My passion is to walk/guide/assist others on their own unique journeys into their empowered spirituality and sense of deep and sacred connection with all life.
I am especially keen on helping other educators, coaches, healers, clergy, and holistic practitioners integrate deeply personal and innovative nature connection work into their offerings for their clients and communities. I grew up in Colorado and bring to my work a profound love and passion for Earth and every living being. Since childhood, I have experienced a deep, personal, and communicative connection with the earth, the world of spirit, and the animals I encounter.

As a child, I spent endless days exploring the Rocky Mountains and my first best friend was a dog named Jenny. Since then, my relationship with all of the life around me has been formed and enriched.
My work is based not only on my own spiritual journey but also on my 25+ years as an environmental and humane educator, and my passion for research and academia. My work has teeth as I take my experiences and dig into them more deeply via conventional and non-conventional methods. I have spent the last several years as a professional environmental educator and naturalist, a spiritual coach and guide, and an animal communicator. I also mentor and teach graduate students. I am dedicated to exploring my spiritual connection to life and continuing to work with my mentors, take courses, and engage in research activities. I have passionately refined my natural ability to experience spirit world journeys, communicate with animals, and act as a spiritually-focused life coach, companion, and guide.
My environmental and humane education work includes teaching in the field, offering professional trainings and presentations, and researching the connections of spirituality, animism, and empathy to environmental education. My research has been presented nationally and internationally and continues to be a strong focus for my work. I have vast experience designing programming and evaluating curriculum and was previously President of the Board of Directors for the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education. Additionally, I volunteer my educational and animal communication services with local animal rescues regularly. I would love to connect with you!
My pronouns: She/Her/Hers
To learn more about me, and find a list of recent podcasts where I was a featured guest, please visit https://wild-rhythms.com/debmatlock/
Credentials and Interests
- Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies at Antioch University New England, Research Focus: Integrating the more-than-human voice into Western culture (completion Spring 2024).
- Master of Arts in Environmental Education, Prescott College, Thesis title: Remembering the Dance: Reawakening Our Rhythmic Connection to the Earth through Environmental Education
- Master of Science, Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, Antioch University New England
- Ecospychology Certificate, Pacifica Graduate Institute
- Ecotherapy Certificate, Pacifica Graduate Institute
- Pursing a Certificate in Eco-spiritualty with the Center for Wild Spirituality (completion Fall 2023)
- Certified Nature Retreat Leader, Mountain Coaching & Consulting
- Certified Wilderness First Responder (NOLS Wilderness Medicine)
- Certified Life Coach with Coach Training Alliance
- Interests: Hiking, Dancing, Yoga, Nature Journaling, Reading, Herbalism, Gardening, Animal Welfare, Working with dogs

We live in a world moving at an enormously fast pace. We are asked to digest information constantly through email, advertising, radio, television, etc. We often go hours or days without knowing the phase of the moon, which birds are currently migrating through our area, what our companion animals are feeling, or what our own natural and wild rhythm might be. We can also easily lose sight of our deepest spiritual yearnings and true connection to the world of spirit in all its forms.
While our fast-paced life has certainly afforded us opportunity beyond measure, we must also be conscious of our deep and wild roots as natural beings living in a very intimate dance with the world of spirit and the rest of the natural world. Understanding how we dance through our days with these rhythms can truly change not only our own lives but the lives of those who depend on us…every living being on this earth. I believe the sacred connection to our ecological selves, wild nature, and all Earth’s inhabitants allows us to live more authentically, compassionately, and sustainably with ourselves and all of life on this earth. It is to this work that I dedicate my life.
As humans, we have a deep and sacred responsibility to live on this earth in a conscious and eco-centric way. Not only does this support others, but it allows us to walk our truest, most authentic path through our personal and professional lives. In service of this mission, I offer several individual and group programs grounded in Nature-Based Spiritual Arts , a methodology I’ve developed to answer our disconnected state of being.
What are Nature-Based Spiritual Arts?
Nature-based Spiritual Arts are a compilation of activities, a methodology created to guide us as we deepen our connection to the world around us and the world of spirit.
Deep connection to earth, animals, spirit – these are the components of Nature-based Spiritual Arts, and travelling through each of these areas allows us to break open our lives and live in a way that is authentic, fully engaged, and rooted in service to the larger community. Whether we communicate individually with an animal, connect directly with our Spirit Helpers, or participate in a large group workshop focusing on sacred nature connection, Nature-based Spiritual Arts form the foundation.
Learn more about Nature-Based Spiritual Arts here.