The Wild Soul Intensive 

The Wild Soul Intensive

A Nature-based, Spiritual Coaching Experience Exploring Wild Nature and Wild Spirit

Nature-based Spiritual Life Coaching and Guidance to help you come home to your own wild, mysterious, and natural spiritual path

Your spiritual path is one of the most important parts of your life. And, if this program interests you, I suspect your spiritual path is deeply rooted in the wild beauty and mystery of the natural world, coupled with the mystery of the world of spirit. For you, these worlds seem inseparable.

You have been to workshops, worked with private practitioners, read books, etc., but you still feel like something is missing from your spiritual journey or that you would love to have someone walk with you for a while and support your unique process. You sometimes feel frustrated that your experiences do not match exactly what you may have been told they should be, yet you know they have deep and sacred meaning.


An image of a woman enjoying breathing in wild nature.

I get it! I have felt the same way. That is why I created this intensive program. I wanted to offer what I wished I could have found for myself years ago.

Empowered spirituality and sacred connection to the world of spirit, animals, and nature are deeply unique and personal journeys.  Each of our paths into these amazing worlds is rich with its own gifts and challenges.

My work is rooted in Nature-based Spiritual Arts and working with the world of  spirit.  During this program, we will collaborate with your Spirit Helpers and the natural world to uncover and deepen your experience of your spiritual path and purpose.

This private intensive is for people who feel a deep yearning to fully step into their sense of empowered spirituality in an authentic and unique way.  Often, participants enroll in this program after trying out workshops and training where the path was very prescribed and left little room for individualization.  This path doesn’t work for me; I know many others are similar.

Some of us need a very personalized approach to exploring our spiritual path with more of a mentoring dynamic instead of a teacher/student model.  Our firsthand experiences, the wild natural world, and our Spirit Helpers are our ultimate teachers and the foundation of our empowered spirituality.

How this program works:

 My role in this program is that of guide, companion, coach, and supporter – I accompany you, hold you accountable, and collaborate with you and your Helpers to create a framework within which you can flourish.

This program is best suited for you if you are serious about your spiritual path and looking for a very personal, down-to-earth, intense, fun, and transformative experience.   My own spiritual mentor once told me that the “Earthwalk is not for the faint of heart.”  I love and live by this sentiment, which most certainly holds true regarding this mentorship.  This is a deep dive into the mystery.

While each person’s reasons for coming to this program are unique, this intensive program is best suited for you if you wish to:

  • Build a strong connection to your personal Spirit Helpers
  • Learn spiritually focused animal and nature communication
  • Strengthen your personal connection to Earth and her inhabitants
  • Enrich your awareness of (and connection to) the sacredness of life
  • Reconnect with your wild, authentic self and personal wild rhythms
  • Uncover and/or cultivate your unique offerings to the world
  • Develop your skills to offer this work (in various forms) to your own clients and communities if you choose.  Please note that not all who embark on this journey apply it in their professional lives. 

Most private intensive clients work with me for 9 – 18 months on average.  However, I have designed the program in 3-month packages to accommodate the need for flexible scheduling and financing.  Also, it can be a good option for folks who have worked with me in other ways and want a shorter intensive or people who want more specific support but don’t necessarily need a long-term commitment.  Lots of flexibility!

Wild Rhythms intensive 3-month package includes:

  • Six private phone sessions (approximately 1 hour each, twice per month)
  • Activities in between sessions
  • Email support between sessions
  • Pre-session vision questionnaire
  • Option to experience a personal day retreat (in-person or virtual) for additional cost.

The bi-monthly sessions are very personal and organic in nature.  They can include spirit journeys, sacred conversations, nature and animal communication training, and personalized nature-connection activities.  We will work together to establish your dreams, visions, and goals and make the program fit YOU. This is not a “one size fits all” process but rather a very individualized journey into the world around you and within.

Sessions typically take place on the phone and last around an hour.  Occasionally, we may decide to meet in person, which can be a lovely addition to regular mentoring sessions.  In this case, scheduling and cost will be considered individually.

This program is truly for the serious spiritual seeker.  It is best to allow at least 2-3 hours/week (in addition to our sessions together) to explore, practice, and deepen your experience during this program.


Q: Am I a good fit for this program?

A:  This program is for serious spiritual seekers who have the time to devote at least 2-3 hours each week to deepening their practice, exploring the activities that are suggested in our phone sessions, reflecting, and journaling.

Q: I have a lot of experience connecting with my Spirit Guides and the natural world. Will I still get something out of this mentorship?

A: Yes!  Many of my clients come to this program with extensive experience and are seeking companionship as they further deepen and develop their process.  This program is unique and crafted just for you by me, you, and the Spirit Helpers.  We can start wherever you are and move forward from there.

Q: I am new to all this work and am unsure of my spiritual path. Will I still get something out of this mentorship?

A:  Yes!  As this is program is a very personal journey, you can come in with any level of experience (or not), and we can start where you are and move forward from there.

Q: How does the session scheduling work?

A: Once you enroll in the program, you will be given a scheduling link and unique code to schedule your sessions via my online scheduler. You are welcome to schedule all six sessions at once or do them a couple at a time. I do recommend scheduling at least a month at a time, as my calendar usually books out a couple of weeks. Please note, all six sessions need to be completed within 90 days from the day you enroll.

Q: How much time does this program take each week?

A:  This program can take as much time as you want to give it.  However, I suggest you plan at least 2-3 hours each week to practice the activities, reflect, dream, vision, etc.

Q: Why is the program designed to be 3 months?

A:  Most clients mentor with me for 9-18 months.  However, it works well to go in 3-month increments as this allows for flexibility in scheduling, and financial planning, and increases the customization options for this program.

Q: Is there an application for this program?

A:  Once you decide you are interested, we will have a casual phone chat so I can get to know you and your vision for this program, you can get to know me better, and I can answer any other questions you might have.  It is especially important this program feels like a fabulous fit for both of us.  This program is open on an ongoing basis as space is available.  There are a limited number of spaces available at any one time due to the deeply personal nature of this work.  I limit participants so I can be sure to have the individual time needed for each person.

Q: What is the investment?

A: $1125 full payment or three-monthly payments of $375

Q: If I want to keep working together after my three-month intensive completes, is that an option?

A: Absolutely.  In fact, most mentoring clients work with me for a year or more!  We can keep building on your work, allowing space for spiritual guidance to inform your next steps, and deepening your skill set.  I have the program divided into 3-month chunks to provide flexibility, but you are welcome to continue if it feels good for both of us.

Q: What kind of practices will I do between phone sessions?

A: This depends on what you are focusing on at any given time on your path, but activities can include connecting with your own Spirit Helpers, doing nature-based activities outdoors, journaling, creating personal ceremonies, and generally working to incorporate this work into your daily life in a myriad of ways.

Q: Does this intensive lead to any sort of certification?

A: This mentoring intensive is a very personal journey and not professional training, although many clients do find that it supports their professional work as well.  If you want professional certification, please check out my nature connection professional training series.

If this intensive program interests you, please fill out this form, and we can set up an initial phone call to discuss your interests and see if we might be a good fit to work together.  I very much look forward to connecting!

Deb Matlock

Julie S., North Carolina


“I remember having a hunger for information when I first started with Deb. I didn’t really know what to expect but wanted to know so much. Now I feel secure in trusting that I can connect with my helpers. I don’t always get the complete messages but I am so much further than I imagined in the beginning of the mentorship. With Deb’s guidance I have learned to trust myself and the connection that is developing. It has been truly meaningful work and I couldn’t have done it without Deb’s wisdom and guidance.”

Jennifer Tuuk, Colorado


“Deb’s mentorship has been a life-changing experience for me. She is deeply dedicated to her work, and is one of the most genuine and down-to-earth people I’ve ever met. I’ve grown so much personally and spiritually in the past year and wouldn’t be where I am without her guidance. She opened my eyes to Shamanic journeying and helped me to form deep connections with my Helpers and the natural world, and as a result, I feel connected to my intuition and aligned with who I truly am more than ever before. It has been an incredible journey, and I highly recommend working with her!”

Maggie S., Boulder, CO


“Working long-term with Deb has helped me to further create a deeply rich, vibrant relationship with the Helpers and Spirit. Maintaining a regular schedule provided the structure to facilitate more thought-out questions and allowed for Guidance to build upon itself. The focused and dedicated long-term mentorship allowed for a much fuller, clearer picture to be co-created and made a way for me to gain a better understanding of the landscape the Helpers and Spirit were creating. Deb was relatable, grounded and her heart-felt connection to the Helpers reassured me as we went on this journey together.”

Y.S., Lyons, CO

“Deb possesses a deeply authentic spiritual and interpersonal gift, and she brings her offerings with such integrity and rooted passion. Her mentorship has impacted my life in the most profound way! With her guidance, I rediscovered an empowerment and confidence in navigating my life in co-creation with spirit. My spiritual circle of support has widened and access to the well of inner resources deepened. Deb’s nurturing service has brought immense healing, meaning, comfort, and power into my life. I am forever grateful.”